New Resource Officer Malcolm Baker enforces strong student relationships
Officer Malcolm Baker interacts with a small group of students.
Newly titled Resource Officer Malcolm Baker has replaced former Resource Officer Andrea Wiggins at the start of the 2014 school year as BG’s new in–school law enforcement agent.
Baker started his law enforcing career as a correctional officer in Lake County from 1997 to 2004.
After this period of time, he became a member of the Buffalo Grove Police Department in 2004, mainly working as a patrol officer in the afternoon, as an evidence technician and as a field trainer.
“My impressions of the school are very good, I enjoy the community,” Baker said. “The kids are awesome and have made my transition easy.”
Baker plans on staying at BG for at least three more years as a resource officer before pursuing a career as a juvenile and adult investigator. His expectations while at BG include enforcing the law and being as productive as possible.
Most importantly, he wants to be able to act quickly if a situation needs to be dealt with.
“I want to be prepared for anything and have the mindset that anything can happen,” Baker said. “I’m ready to go as if you had a police department within the school.”
One of Baker’s biggest goals includes connecting with students on a more personal level rather than being isolated from both staff and students.
“He [Baker] really applies himself to the young generation,” junior Robert Grenz said. “It’s a nice change.”
Freshmen, who are also new to the school, also think highly of Baker’s communication skills and willingness to listen.
“He takes his job seriously,” freshman Matthew Murtaugh said.
Baker’s main duties are to enforce state laws that apply to BG and to works alongside the deans as a team in order to ensure the safety of all students.
So far, Baker has not been called to action for any serious crime, which is what he expected when taking the job.
“He’s [Baker] a wonderful edition to the security staff here at BG,” security officer Jim Petruzzi said. “His presence makes students feel safe.”
Baker hopes to mentor students of BG and reminds everyone that his office, next to the main office, will always be open to anyone who needs to talk.
“I want the students to know that I am approachable,” Baker said. “If you have anything you need to talk about, my door is always open.”