The common misconceptions behind life as an introvert or extrovert:

Life As An Introvert.
Hi, my name is Kaitlin and I’m an introvert.
Some of these misconceptions include: Introverts don’t enjoy the company of people; they lack emotion; they’re not interested in what matters; they have a lesser sense of humor. But while these qualities may fit some individuals, they don’t nearly define all of us. Though being an introvert may seem like a bad thing, it is actually fantastic.
I may be quiet, but that does not necessarily mean that I don’t enjoy the company of others. While extroverts may enjoy hanging out with multiple people at once, introverts are quite happy to be with just a few close friends. In my experience, it is more fun to hang out with a small group of friends than to hang out with many. Hanging out with a smaller group of friends has given me the gift of a closer relationship, rather than a casual friendship with multiple people.
I tend to keep to myself and I hide my emotions rather than project them, which may give the impression that I have a lack of emotion on the outer surface.
Though many extroverts are comfortable making their feelings public knowledge, introverts feel the same emotions and simply choose not to say them out loud.
By keeping my thoughts and emotions to myself, I have saved myself from getting into uncomfortable situations, it also has given me the benefit of thinking before I speak.
As a result of all of the false pretenses, introverts are labeled as people with a lesser sense of humor. Introverts, such as myself tend to have a more subtle sense of humor. On the contrary, Introverts find things that are not funny to most very humorous amongst themselves. It may not be the kind of humor that extroverts find funny, but it is still a sense of humor, just in a different way.
It may seem as if introverts are complete polar opposites to extroverts, but I do possess some extrovert traits from time to time. All in all, being an introvert has been a great thing for me. Not only do I have close relationships with people as well as street smarts, I’m okay with being alone from time to time.
As much as I enjoy the company of an extrovert, such as Payton, I love being an introvert and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Living The Extrovert Life.
It’s kind of a funny story how I was assigned to this opinion piece. During our story idea meeting, Kaitlin suggested that the side by side in this issue be the truth behind introverts and extroverts. Being an introvert, she wanted to take that side, but needed somebody to oppose her and write the extrovert angle. Immediately, most of the staff turned and stared at me, and boom, here I am writing this piece.
What I find funny about this is the fact that I have never considered myself to be an extrovert. Yes, I am an outgoing and expressive person, but I have always considered an extrovert to be the person who goes out every weekend and who has to be doing something all the time or else they feel like they are missing out. That’s just one misconception. Some others include that extroverts are afraid to spend time alone, that they are needy and that they aren’t as insightful as introverts.
Looking back, however, being an extrovert has been extremely helpful in my life. I’ve never had to deal with the anxiety of speaking in front of a class or being scared to perform on stage. And even though I sometimes express my emotions more than introverts, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. That’s just a part of who an extrovert is, part of who I am.
Being an extrovert has helped me to be outgoing and try new activities. It has allowed me to not be afraid to participate in experiences that might scare others. I’m not afraid to be friendly to the new kid or talk to a teacher about my grades or how their kids are doing.
There’s nothing wrong with being an introvert, it’s just not how I am wired. Extroverts are naturally-social people who I believe are not afraid to challenge people’s thoughts.
The worst things an extrovert can be told are “You’re too loud,” “You talk too much,” “You go out too much!” These are comments that sometimes extroverts will hear, but why?
So what if I’m loud and so what if I talk a lot? Just because some people may think there are some drawbacks in being outgoing, I believe being an extrovert is a positive thing so I choose to wear that status with pride.