Punny Halloween Costumes for the creative and clever

Candy Wrappers:

A fun and easy idea for a halloween costume involving only 3 main materials: an old or oversized sweatshirt, a bag of assorted candy and scotch tape or glue. Simply begin this costume by purchasing a bag of candy from your local convenience store- it doesn’t have to be large or cost more than two or three dollars. Once you’ve done this, lay out a sweatshirt of your choice along with liquid glue or tape (glue works best). Begin gluing pieces of candy all over the sweatshirt until it is to your liking, and viola! You’ve got a great costume which you can unwrap and enjoy after wearing.

Candy Rappers

50 Shades of Grey:

This costume is extremely punny and effortlessly made. Take a run to your local hardware store, or even Walmart and grab enough color pallets in an assortment of greys to cover yourself in. Tape these pallets to a t-shirt and if you want to go that extra mile, you could even sneak some of your mother’s smokey eyeshadow materials and procure some self-done face paint.Fifty Shades of Grey

Cereal Killer:

This Halloween costume is a play on words simple enough for nearly anyone to decipher. Take a run to your local Walmart or Target, or maybe even your very own pantry and pick up a few mini boxes of breakfast cereal. Tape or safety pin these to your shirt, and you’ve finished half the costume! As for the ‘killer’ aspect, since it’s around Halloween time, finding a plastic knife or gruesome murder weapon isn’t such a difficult feat. Take a stroll down the costume isle at a your local department store and pick out a weapon to complete the costume. Add fake blood as well, to authenticate the final product.

Cereal Killer

Ceiling Fan:

Find an old shirt of your choice, and a fabric marker, or anything that can be used to write on the foundation of your costume. Once you’ve got these two materials, spell out something upbeat and encouraging like “Go Ceiling!” or “Ceiling #1”. After this, take a run to a department store of your choice and check the costume isle for cheerleader pom-poms, which typically cost two to three dollars at most. After you’ve found a pair of these, your costume is finished, and you’re ready to go cheer the ceiling on to victory.Ceiling Fan

Life of the Party:

A great costume idea involving little effort and materials stems from the idea of being the “life of the party.” Take a run to the convenience store or to your kitchen cupboard and grab a box of Life cereal. make the box into a necklace by hole punching the upper corners of the box and stringing a piece of yarn or any string-like material through it. Tie it at the desired length. Next, check your house for any old party materials from birthdays or new years, including party hats, bows, fun necklaces or party blowers. Make this costume as excessive or modest as you please.

Life of the Party