New staff and students set goals for Self Improvement Month

Kaitlin Gloria

Becky Sarah manages the Compass Learning class at BG.

September is the month that is known for marking the back–to–school season. It is not as well–known that it is also “Self–Improvement Month.” This is fitting because it marks both the first day of a new season and the first day of a new school year.

Each year, people strive to make new goals as well as adjust and finish old ones.  Everyone at BG has their own set of personal goals, especially the new staff and students.

“I used to teach at Elk Grove,” US History teacher Becky Serra said. “Being new to BG, my goal is to get to know the students and staff.”

Serraalso intends on generating ideas so her students can reach their full potential through RTI [Response To Intervention]. RTI is a program made specifically to help students with learning or behavioral issues who have fallen off the track to graduating high school. Serra hopes that this new program will help get these students back on schedule to graduate on time.

Freshmen students have only been a part of the BG community for about a month, and thus may have different priorities than, say, seniors who are beginning to plan for their futures outside of high school.

According to freshman Hailey Zydlowszy, her biggest concern is time management. She has been working on limiting her procrastination to a minimum and improving her organization tactics.

“I have completed a couple of my goals, number one being my procrastination,” Zydlowszy said. “I’ve learned to manage my time by getting my homework done with minimal distractions.”

Zydlowszy also wishes to make new friends and to make a difference at BG. More broadly, she states that she wants to make a difference in the world.

Senior Simona Kaminskaite is on a completely different path on her way to accomplishing her aspirations.

“After high school, I plan on joining the Navy,” Kaminskaite said. “In order for me to join the Navy, I really need to get my grades up.”

In the article “Getting into the military is getting tougher,” CNN states that six out of ten people who apply to the military aren’t fit enough. This highly competitive group of people motivates Kaminskaite to do her best.

According to Forbes, only eight percent of those who set goals for themselves actually achieve them, an unfortunate statistic for those hopeful goal–setters. Keeping goals simple, tangible and obvious is a sure way to ensure they will be achieved,

“I’m very excited to what I can offer to BG,” Serra said. “I want to work on guidig students on their way to success.”