Passing down the crown: 70 years of leadership ends

Julian Calder for Governor-General of New ZealandvCreative Commons Attribution 4.0)

A LEGACY OF LEADERSHIP: Queen Elizabeth II poses for the camera adorned in various medallions and a red sash.

It has been over two months since the countries were stunned to hear that Queen Elizabeth II has passed. Citizens around the world were shocked by this upsetting news given she has been the longest reigning monarch serving just shy of 71 years.

At BG, the news spread to students and staff around one pm in period seven and quickly became a topic of conversation.  

“It was a counselor, I don’t remember who but someone went through the halls and said ‘Oh my gosh Queen Elizabeth died!’,” counselor Brian Linhart said. “And that started a snowball effect of people talking about it.”

The late Queen Elizabeth II died at the age of 96. Formerly the Prince of Wales, her son Charles has now become King and the next in line is his son Prince William. According to an image from The Washington post entitled “The royal line of succession to the British throne” with the exception of Princess Charlotte who is now third in line, the line includes mostly future kings. 

“I think when you’re doing something for that long you take it for granted, and I think you have had references like’ take this to the Queen’ etc.,” Linhart said.  “I think when she reigned for that long, your mind just goes automatic and says Queen and now we have to realize ‘ oh wait, the queen is gone.” 

HONORING A MONARCH: Pictures, flowers, and letters are visible outside of Buckingham Palace in London soon after the Queen’s passing. (Samuel Regan-Asante on UnsplasH)

King Charles is beginning his reign at the age of 73. Although some consider his older age to be a concern, others do not consider this an issue.

“I don’t think age has anything to do with it. He has been groomed for this position all his life,” Technology Supervisor David Peight said. “Of Course being king there is always going to be a comparison with the previous monarch. After reigning for 70 years there is an amount of respect and loyalty that you could gain from the monarch in service. “ 

Queen Elizabeth II has been a staple in England for all of our lives, Charles has big shoes to fill and of course what type of king will he be?” Peight said.

“I was amazed by the amount of people that came out to view the Queen’s funeral,” Peight said. “This speaks to how she tried to change with the times and keep the country current and involved in global matters as well as country matters.”

Although some mourn the loss of this significant figure, others tend to view this as an opportunity to move away from the antiquated and imperialistic practice of having a king or queen in place or simply view this as an opportunity for funny social media content. 

“I was in Humanities and I found out through memes on the internet before my classmates told me the news,” senior Ollie McCall said. “ I was shocked and I suppose finding out through memes is not the best way.”