Girls bowling gets the 22-23 season rolling on a win


BY THE BOOK : Library shelfie put together by the girls bowling team complete with giant pins and a bowling ball along with books and symbols of the sport.

The girls bowling season at BG runs from Nov 14 to the end of February. Matches typically occur three times a week with frequent practices almost daily. Although the number of bowlers fluctuates from year to year, there are usually an average of twenty on the team and bowling is one of the no-cut sports offered at BG. 

There are three coaches who oversee the team including Special Education, Biology and Chemistry teacher and head coach Chris Vangrondelle, Business education teacher and assistant coach, Karen Roberts, and assistant coach Kymberly Corbett. 

According to Vangrondelle, bowling is a beginner friendly sport to play, but it does take some getting used to at first.

It takes energy, commitment and resources to push you in the right direction,” Vangrondelle said. “You have to have an open-mind and a desire to get better.”

According to Corbett, the experience as an assistant coach has been positive thus far.

“Getting to meet and work with a variety of students who are enthusiastic about bowling is one of the perks of getting to work as an assistant coach,” Corbett said. 

Although each year there are many newcomers to the team, there are some specific skills novice bowlers can work on from the start.

“Getting the approach and correct lane position are the most important aspects to concentrate on in the beginning,” Corbett said. 

In other words, bowlers should not necessarily worry about points or hitting pins, rather they should focus on getting the skills down. Despite the season just beginning, many members of the team are already experiencing positive results. 

“It is fun when you get to meet a lot of new people and you get to learn how to bowl well,” sophomore bowler Julianna Garbis said. 

According to Corbett, bowlers should keep in mind that it is okay to mess up and it is all part of the learning process. The girls bowling team started strong in their first match on Nov 28. Both of the teams won their matches in their respective levels. 

The new players this year already have some experience with the sport, so during matches it’s less of them getting accustomed to the flow of the game and more of them just doing their best. Some of the returning star members of the team include Megan Stoesser, Natalie Black, Nicole Howard, and Ashanti Aguilar. 

Early in this season the coaches have seen positive trends. The team seems to be doing very well for the start of the season and the coaches hope the success continues.

“As coaches we can only give the best direction possible,” Vangrondelle said.  “The athletes have to try [their] best and everything will be as great as possible.”