A shipping container turned beautiful art mural: ‘Unity’ brings color and vibrance to BG

Kristin Oversmith

A BISON BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT: Located right outside the pool, the nearly completed art mural features two bison, several plants and flowers, and the word ‘unity’ prominently displayed.

A brand new BG mural located just outside the pool is currently being created. designed by senior Leslie Sandoval Serrano, the mural is an image of a bison in nature and includes the word “unity”.  

According to Art teacher Kristin Oversmith, Associate Principal for Activities and Operations, Mark Schaetzlein approached her and the art club last year with the idea. In terms of getting the idea off the ground, Oversmith had her beginning art students draw possible themes and ideas for the mural and some of her advanced students as well. 

She then compiled the class images into one mural and presented both the combined mural and a few advanced art student idea’s to the administration. Sandoval Serrano’s design was chosen.

“Tom Arseneau was a huge help in getting this off the ground by ordering the supplies and painting the shipping container white to prepare it for the sketching stage,” Oversmith said.

Sophomore Viktoriya Kerch became involved in the project early in the process during her Art 1 class as a freshman last year. Using a grid template she has helped to sketch out the mural. In total over 75 different BG students have contributed to the project.

ART COMES TO LIFE: students from various art classes work on the mural by painting different sections that were previously graphed out and add details to the image. (Kristin Oversmith)

“When I heard about the mural I was super excited to try something new,” Kerch said.  “Each study hall when I had little to no homework I would go outside and make small progress each day and I started inviting my classmates to join me as-well.”

According to Oversmith, they had hoped to finish the project last Spring, but due to poor weather conditions they were unable to complete it during that time. Although the goal is to complete the project before winter break, this is contingent on the weather.   

“Projects like this are important to show that you can achieve big things starting today,” Kerch said. “Even a silly idea as painting a shipping container can still have an impact on making the school spirit lively and maybe spark new ideas from others that can be just as great” 

According to Oversmith, the students who are working on this feel an immense sense of pride. This has been a team effort with students adding details or discussing possible additions to it as we go. Oversmith said they are working collaboratively to find time and finish the project.

“Art plays such an important role in our society,” Oversmith said. “Taking a blank hunk of metal and giving it color and life can brighten our world around us.”

In terms of future plans for murals, a new mural outside the art room may also be in the works soon. 

“Working on the mural was the most refreshing, eye opening, leadership rich opportunity,” Kerch said. “I deeply enjoyed the process with its highs and lows.”