Tom Brady has no plans to retire, ever

Tom Brady is one the best football players in the world, he has played 22 seasons in the NFL. He always comes up in the “goat” category but yet the world always comes up with the million dollar question. When will he retire and put the game to rest? 

“I just can’t see myself leaving the game, it’s a part of me and I can never let anyone overeachive me and my accolades I’ve done in this game,” Brady said. 

The oldest player in the history of the NFL was 48 years old, but that doesn’t scare Brady.

“I strive to keep my young body in shape every season by putting more than a million dollars in treatment,” Brady said.  “Call me old, but I aint ever retiring”.

Going on into the NFL next season as of 2022, Brady is 45 and looking good. In a conference interview with a reporter Stephen Strange he voiced his opinion on how the game has evolved. 

“I think the young guys coming have to learn the way of the game and to keep your body up, you should put A LOT of time on the practice field and transfer it toward the game field and it will show.” Brady said. 

Brady certainly felt the pressure to call it quits at the end of this past season, but he quickly reversed that decision. 

“I feel amazing, I can’t wait to show the world what I can do at the age of 45, a lot of people want me to retire and put the game to rest but I CAN’T,” Brad said. “My lawyer says I’m not supposed to say this, but I think I discovered how to be immortal.”

 At the start of NFL season with the Tampa Bay Balloons against the Los Angeles Reminders, Brady threw the ball for 1000 yards, 300 yards rushing, and finished with 80% in red zone completion. It doesn’t look like he is stopping anytime soon.

“This is just the beginning of what l will be providing,” Brady said. “I’m never ever ever ever ever going to retire. You can’t make me!”