BG & Hersey Athletics to combine

With recent news about combining athletic programs with Hersey, athletes have been concerned with playing time and rosters filling up. From now on trying out for sports teams will be harder since kids from both schools will be competing for spots. 

“I was hoping to enjoy playing my senior year on varsity but it might be hard because there are so many other experienced players,” senior, June Bloom said.

Complaints have come into the office about less opportunities for kids to try new things without having to worry about making it in. In past years, including this year, freshmen have been able to try out for different sports without having experience because there were multiple teams. However, not all students are worried about the new changes.

“I’m excited to combine,” junior Atticus Morris said. “Sure, sports are a great way to meet new friends and experience new opportunities, but I’m sure we will make even stronger bonds with the athletes who are actually good and lead us to victories.”

Many coaches are excited about the change, especially the combining of  both school’s varsity teams, which will make the new varsity BG/Hersey teams unstoppable. 

“The changes made can make new varsity teams very strong,” Coach Blue said. “Who cares about opportunities for students if we are winning?!.”

With popular sports like volleyball and basketball, there will be double the amount of cuts and more pressure on the athletes. But less popular sports like golf and waterpolo will get more recognition. 

“As a small sport coach I hope this will help the team get new players and increase the roster,” Coach Fore said.

According to athletic director, Werk Out, if parents are worried about the negative effects of this change, he has one piece of advice for potential athletes, “be better.”