Graduation date delayed for 2022 seniors

Although the 2021-22 school year has been a year of new experiences and new surprises, the class of 2022 has certainly missed many that are vital to the high school journey. As a result district administrators have decided to extend the school year for seniors to provide more opportunities to make memories. The final day for seniors will be Friday June 3rd. 

“I think for a long time, letting seniors graduate about a week before the rest of the school has been sort of a nice touch for the graduating class, but it also has the underclassmen feeling left out,” administrator Steven Prince said. 

The seniors, however, are feeling some type of way.

“I think that the administration has definitely lost their minds,” senior Ima Sodon said. “I think the whole graduating class is getting gypped again.”

Even though there have been some mixed feelings on this subject, the administration does have the final say in the matter, regardless of student opinion. 

“I recognize there are a lot of mixed feelings about this,” teacher Agatha Christine said.  “However, adults know best and even though seniors might not like it we are just trying to appreciate them!”

Underclassmen are having a field day with the changes. They are excited to see that the seniors have to stay longer. According to some students, they think the seniors are being a bit over the top with their complaints. 

“To be honest, I think having the senior class graduate even a little later than when the rest of the students get out for summer is a little bit of karma for thinking they’re the best,” sophomore Harold Potter said. “Wait, they won’t do this to us when we graduate, though, right?!”

In closing, there are both pro’s and con’s for the extension. According to Prince, 180 days is really just a suggestion.

“We could go 365 if we wanted to, but we aren’t,” Prince said. “A few more days with our seniors will be so exciting!”