Girls lacrosse creates inclusive atmosphere for growth

Stadium lights beaming, adrenaline pumping while running down the field. Surrounded by friends on the field and filling the stands. The perfect wind comes in to combat the warm spring air as the team makes its way down the field to finish the game off. What better way to spend a night than playing lacrosse?

The lacrosse team is a new addition to BG’s athletics program as of last year, but has been extremely successful. The girls and boys teams have recruited many students to be part of this thrilling sport and had an excellent season considering it was this sport’s first year at BG. 

One thing that sets this sport apart from others is how inclusive it is for everyone, regardless of whether or not they even know how to play. The majority of players have either never played before, or played for the first time last year. 

Girls varsity coach, Scott Russell said.

Lacrosse is also perfect for anyone. If you are someone who loves running, being a middle (offense and defense) would be perfect for you. If running is not your thing, then the team is always looking for another goalie. There’s also attack (offense) and defensive positions that would suit practically anyone. 

Another great part of the lacrosse team is the opportunity to meet new people. COVID has created numerous boundaries in terms of meeting new people and making friends outside of class, but this sport offers the chance to meet people outside of your grade. 

“It’s a really cooperative sport so you get to know a lot of people really well,” sophomore varsity player, Marissa Posner said. 

Multiple returning members of the girls lacrosse team have agreed that compared to last year, the program has grown sufficiently. The coaches know to teach brand new people the basics, and work on skill building with the more advanced athletes.

“There are four coaches now instead of two, so athletes are getting a lot more attention and help from them. The coaches are also tightening their expectations so the team is getting a lot better,” sophomore returning player, Kayla Cichy said.

The lacrosse program is always looking for new athletes, whether that means someone who has been playing lacrosse for years or someone who has never even seen a lacrosse game. There is a place for anyone on the team, as well as the opportunity to meet new people, become more involved in the school, and stay active.

“I think that the more involved a kid is, the better they do all around. Socially, emotionally, academically. They’re more connected to the community. Offering another opportunity for students is only a good thing,” Russell said. 

So be brave and try out for the team next season. Multiple lacrosse teammates said they would encourage anyone to join the team, and agree that it is a productive use of time as well as an amazing opportunity. There isn’t a better way to embrace the spring than playing lacrosse.