Students flaunts their masks at BG’s mask fashion show
Student’s Instagram displaying what mask they are wearing to the Mask Fashion show.
On May 5, BG is hosting its first ever mask fashion show. Since there are so many different mask designs, the student council thought it would be a good idea to host a show dedicated to showing off both teacher and students’ masks.
Students and teachers will be going to the theater to strut down the stage. Matching outfits with masks are probably going to be the best looks.
“I’m just so excited, I have a blue mask, a green mask and a multicolored mask,” freshman Safeti Mask said. “I was born to win this fashion show, baby!”
The only requirements that students and teachers have to follow are; nothing political, school appropriate, and no pictures of lollipops. No one is sure why the student council said no to lollipop imagery. Hand made masks get extra points.
“Well, there goes my opportunity,” teacher Emma Maskon said. “I only have masks with lollipops on them. Orange cream popsicles to be exact.”
Students and teachers can sign up for the competition through a Google form sent out to their school email. The form closes this Thursday.
“I’m very excited to show off my mask,” sophomore Jacob Rainbowmask said. “My mask is made out of fun, multicolored beads.”
The new Multimedia Program, BGN, will be live streaming this event.
Alongside the Zoom code, per CDC guidelines, the maximum capacity in a room to witness this is 50 people.
“I’m pretty sure I can borrow my mom’s new mask,” Mask said. “I think there’s like, actually diamonds on it!”
While some students and teachers are excited for this fashion show, there are others that are indifferent.
“I’m pretty sure that over quarantine I made at least six new bead masks,” Rainbowmask said. “I have a rainbow themed one and a blue themed one for example.”
Overall, the student council is excited to try something new this year in these hard times. The school will have a fun time reconnecting students and staff.
“I’m very thrilled to see this happening at BG,” Maskon said. “Hopefully, this will be a tradition that keeps BG connected.”