DECA prepares for virtual State competition

On Nov. 14, Elk Grove High School hosted DECA’s first district competition. The club has adjusted to pandemic regulations with club meetings over Zoom every Wednesday and continues preparing for State. DECA’s State competition had been canceled last year due to COVID-19. Sophomore Christine Yuan, a State qualifier for the Principles of Marketing event last year, is hoping to compete at the now virtual competition.

“This year, many new resources have become available for me and others competing to prepare for upcoming competitions,” Yuan said. “For example, DECA itself has created a practice cluster exam tool that simulates what the test will look like for the State competition.”

Students are using a mix of online resources in order to prepare. According to previous State qualifier, junior Angelica Perez, students can also video chat with other experienced students to gain valuable advice as well. 

“On the DECA schoology there are many links, as well as the official DECA website,” Perez said. “There are a lot of  different practice role plays that [the coaches] have put out.”

State regulations have limited the number of competitors. This year, one student or team per event will be taken from each school. The club has encouraged members to participate in written events, making this the first year for BG to participate in written events.

“We have two students that are for their written event, its a community event, and are going to be having a trick shot competition,” DECA Sponsor Karen Roberts said. “They are going to put it out to our entire student body, staff, family members, sport teams you name it. All the proceeds will be donated to goodsports charity.”

In efforts to limit contact and risk, both the welcome and award ceremony of the district competition did not take place. 

“DECA field trips used to take a full school day, as the opening and awards ceremonies would take up the majority of the time,”  Yuan said. “This year, I was in the building to compete for a total of twenty five minutes, and when my event was over, I could leave.”

While DECA members continue to receive feedback from partners, other members and through various evaluations, social distancing regulations have limited the social aspect of the club.

Although this year brought many changes to the DECA, club members and coaches have worked hard to make this year a successful and memorable one.

“Crazy times call for adapting and changing,” Roberts said. “Any way that we can engage our students and members and provide opportunities is our ultimate for this year. As we all know it is different but we hope that our DECA members are continuing to grow and be able to participate in something that they really enjoy.”