It’s Time to Put on Music, it’s Time to Light the Lights: BG’s Elizabeth Bennett is Nominated for Grammy, Again

The hard year of 2020 just a little better. For the second year in a row, Elizabeth Bennett, BG’s very own orchestra and fine arts director, has been nominated as a semifinalist for a Grammy.

“It feels awesome to be nominated again,” Bennett said. “It is an amazing accomplishment, and I am incredibly humbled by it.”

Being one of last year’s top 10 finalists for the award means that she won a $1,000 dollar reward, as well as a $1,000 dollar grant for the school. She donated the money to a food drive and several families in need. 

“I think that shows how selfless and giving she is,” junior Kirsten Smith said. “She willingly chose to donate it to people in need.”  

The top ten finalists will be announced in December, and the prize given out will be the actual Grammy plaque, as well as a $10,000 prize.

Bennett’s way of giving does not only make an appearance in her community, outside of the school building. Her generosity and compassion extends to inside her classroom, with her students as well. 


“She is passionate about her students, how her students feel, how they succeed,” junior Kevin Marteinz said. 

With how much she cares about her students as well as her community, it is clear that she is a very inspirational individual. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic she has certainly taken that extra step to inspire her students. 

“She does everything she can to still bring us together,” Smith said. “She has tried really hard and her efforts are very obvious.” 

She created multiple events to help bring the community together which included Drive and Donate. This particular event was led by the band and orchestra as they played in the parking lot, as cars could drive through and donate food and money.

While her students find her an innovative teacher, Bennett herself has had many inspirations. She credits her own former teachers, as well as her parents, explaining how they were a mentor to her as a person and in the music world. 

“I had so many teachers along the way who inspired me,” Bennett said. “My family has inspired me, my mother who is incredibly musically talented and my father who is an incredible music supporter.” 

Bennett’s teaching strategies have certainly paid off in helping her students prosper. However, there are some things that some people might not think about that are the most beneficial. 

“In regular orchestra programs you go into practice, and just to practice,” Martinez said.” In Bennett’s program, you get to socialize and learn about the music you are performing.” 

 Bennett always keeps her center focus on her students, as well as her community. She strives for them to be her number one priority.

“It’s not about me, it’s about the amazing students, the school, and the community, in which I represent,” Bennett said. “If I can continue doing that in a positive light, then I am going to keep doing that.”