Authors feel impact of Covid-19 on book releases and sales

People are often thinking about what groceries they need to purchase online, or maybe how they can still support local restaurants through this quarantine to make sure that they are still in business after the stay-at-home order has subsided.

 However, there might be some small businesses that people aren’t aware of.  There might be authors of some people’s favorite books who were just as excited to launch their story into readers’ hands. People might also wonder how the quarantine affects their moods, since they cannot go to a public library or local bookstore to get the author’s newest or first ever release. 

“I know a couple of friends who are debuting their first book this year and I know the fact they can’t go out and see their book on a shelf has been heartbreaking for them,” author of “You’d be Mine,” Erin Hahn said. 

Even with the sadness of not seeing your book directly on a shelf, there are still ways readers can help support the work of an author. Librarians are also taking it into their own hands to do the best they can to help promote new books that are coming out. 

“I think it is always an obligation to help promote books, especially now,” school librarian Kim Miklusak said. “So many authors had to cancel their book tours, books release dates pushed back and people won’t be at stores walking around and seeing books on display.” 

One of the ways that people can help is by seeing if your local independent small business stores to see if they have any curbside pick up options. However another important way that people can provide sales for authors is by ordering online. There are multiple options that are included by online ordering. Readers can do the typical Amazon order where you can get the physical copy, but there are other websites/apps, like Sora or Amazon Kindle to obtain a ereader copy to have on a tablet or other electronic device and even some audiobooks as well. 

“My book,“You’d Be Mine,” is available in electronic copies and audio,” Hahn said. “My next book ,“More than Maybe,” will also be on ebook and audio as well, when it comes out July 21.”

Letting a library know specific requests of titles that have come out, or that are coming out later in the year could also be very helpful. The BG library is currently putting titles on a list for students who will come back next year. 

For the school library I have been purchasing new and upcoming books for Sora for our students to read and I am putting together a book cart of physical books to be ready for students,” Miklusak said.   

Overall, releasing a novel is one of the most anticipated moments for an author. Consider not only seeking opportunities to read new books, but also supporting and leaving reviews for their stories as well. 

I have been super lucky in that readers have reached out almost daily to let me know how much my stories have gotten them through lock down,” Hahn said.  Knowing that my books have brought some joy to others has been enough.”