Teenagers in the workforce become prevalent as local restaurant near BGHS are hiring

McDonald’s, Oberweis and Poke Hale are three of the local places that are hiring around BG. With these places looking for people to work, it can be a great time for teenagers to learn how to be active in the workforce. 

According to CNBC, 35% of teenagers are working between the ages of 16 and 19. This is a huge difference back in 1979 when 60% of teenagers worked. In just 40 years, teenage participation in the workforce has gone down almost half of what it was. 

There are a lot of benefits to working as a teenager, according to CNBC. It can teach teenagers how to budget and other communication skills that are important. 

“I feel like having a job teaches you a lot about social interactions,” senior Mikayla Marrazzo said. “It gives you a new perspective and teaches you time management and responsibility.” 

Oberweis Manager Meredith McGuinn stated that she finds it ironic that her store is in front of a high school with not a lot of teenagers applying to work there. According to her, she believes that its due to the fact that the store is less busy during the winter time. 

“It’s good to get experience now, get it out of the way and get your first job out of the way,” McGuinn said.

According to CNBC, McDonald’s has a program that’s called “Archways to Opportunity”. It provides workers with scholarships after 90 days of employment and employees can earn tuition assistance. A few other fast food places do similar incentives to help get potential workers. 

“Food places are the easiest jobs for a first timer,” Marrazzo said. “Food places just need a lot of people and so they hire teenagers because they need them. 

During the summer, some teenagers may go to summer school and improve academics. According to Brookings, summer school enrollment has increased. This means that fewer teenagers are getting part time jobs over the summer.

“I worked at a summer camp, and I think that having teenagers as the counselors is important, especially for the kids,” junior Melissa Gibbs said.

Many students don’t get jobs due to the fact that their school life becomes hectic and busy. According to CNBC, high school classes have become more intense. Students are more focused on course requirements. 

“I think the kids that can handle a job [over the school year] are amazing,” Gibbs said. 

If time and other commitments aren’t too much of an issue, having a high school job can be a positive experience that helps develop future skills. 

“It’s a fun environment,” McGuinn said. “You get to meet people of different age groups that work here and meet students that go to different schools.”