The One Grove Gallery continues to spark new art Ideas

Located in the theater foyer, The One Grove Gallery is a student run art gallery that highlights BG student artwork, co-curricular collaborations and outside professional artists. Founded by a district initiated grant of $10,000 that all the art departments competed for in 2015, it is now in its third year with a team of dedicated students planning and supervising the gallery.

One Grove Gallery coordinator Kristin Oversmith sees high potential and big aspirations for the future of the One Grove Gallery, where she hopes it will ultimately serve a universal purpose.

“The purpose of the gallery is to expose students to the inner workings of an art gallery,” Oversmith said. “With this career pathway opportunity the students have a chance to initiate show ideas, curate exhibitions, and plan out marketing and outreach.”

At the One Grove Gallery, the artwork plastered on the walls usually varies and has a range of different exhibitions to explore. Some of the art here has a specific meaning and other pieces are more about representing the artist.

“For example, Red My Lips was a show inspired by the international nonprofit organization designed to raise awareness about the realities and prevalence of sexual violence,” Oversmith said. “One of our past shows was also all about the figure in art.”

Senior Sage Kugler, curator of the One Grove Gallery, loves being able to help decide on what shows are exhibited and seeing the incredible pieces beforehand that are being displayed.

Not many students at BG realize that the One Grove Gallery is a part of this school, but it is a universal place that you can just explore with art and see what it develops into.

Anyone can join and come to the meetings that are every Wednesday before or after school in the art room (132A) and help participate in planning.

“It’s an amazing club to be apart of whether you are an artist or love fine arts in general,” Kugler said. “I love being able to have not only a close relationship with the people in the committee and the people we meet from it, but also having a good relationship with Mr. Field, Ms. Oversmith and Ms. Price.”

The One Grove Gallery is always looking for more students who might be interested in joining the gallery team so that with each passing year the accumulated knowledge is passed down. If someone has a show idea they can propose it to the gallery, which is ultimately chosen by the students in the Gallery committee. The art strives to create an environment for those who need inspiration within the One Grove Gallery.

“I would say that if you want your work to be shown in the gallery, speak to one of us and see which show we could incorporate your work into,” senior Claudia Pighetti said. “Art is selected by the committee based on what we think would fit the theme of a certain gallery show and what we think should be displayed in the gallery, hopefully connecting relaxation and art together.”

The Gallery’s purpose is to display all the work collectively made by students and lets viewers reflect off of what they see, as well as recognize why the arts area should be known.

“It’s important that we recognize the talented students that are in BG and for kids who are interested in going into a fine arts career to see a new perspective on what it’s like to be a curator,” Kugler said. “Kids need a place to be inspired and the One Grove Gallery is the place that should do that.”